In July 2014 we finally carved out some time from our schedules to make it out to CA. Finally. As usual, we somehow managed to hit every single place on our list of “go to” places. We’re nomadic at heart — all three of us, so the cohesion comes naturally. The trip was nothing short of absolutely extraordinary. I’d even go as far as to say it was perfect. I am in L O V E with California!
Yes, please.
We rented a gorgeous house in La Quinta, which is in Riverside county. Complete with a fire pit, a saltwater pool and ample room for yoga, relaxation and of course – photography! We hiked every inch of La Quinta every morning. Midday peaks reach a scorching 105-110 degrees in the summer and I loved every minute of it. The expansive landscapes and open skies are totally breathtaking. This naturally made for some wonderful photos.
We drove up to LA, came back down and drove to San Diego through the San Jacinto mountains via the infamous Highway 74, which is infamous for very good reason. The roads are narrow and treacherous to say the least, but Marilyn’s years of teaching defensive driving at FedEx a lifetime ago were finally put to good use — outside of Manhattan. Needless to say, the moment we arrived back in NYC the countdown for our move to California officially began!!