Lena del Sol Photography


What makes you happy?

 I was contacted by an Art curator earlier this week and invited to participate in an upcoming exhibit titled "Happiness." The exhibit explores questions such as; What makes one truly happy? Where does one look for happiness? Is it associated with material gratification for some or does lie deeper within personal values for others?

This topic really had me thinking about what is truly at the root of my inspiration behind my photography & art, where do my own values lie and what are my own sources of happiness? 
These are fully loaded questions. So, to help me narrow it down a bit, I came up with three questions that I then asked myself. My questions & answers are below.

1. What are 5 of your core personal values? (Core values are guiding principles of your life that help you determine your behavior, words and actions)
Commitment, Empathy, Vitality, Adventure, Sincerity & Vision!

2. What makes you genuinely happy? (Closely aligned with core values)
Art, beauty, warmth, the ocean, beach and tropical climates, being outdoors and in nature - especially El Yunque Rainforest, culture, community and a sense of connectivity and belonging, travel, exploration, expressing, children and of course, CREATING!

3. If money were no object, how would you live your life differently?
I would leave New York, head to Puerto Rico and build an art studio & home nestled somewhere high up in El Yunque.
Question number three, resonated with me the most. I realized this is an aspiration I've had since childhood; making it that much more authentic.

Taking the time to answer these questions helped me better understand why I choose to photograph and paint the images I do. I'm strongly influenced by the environment I'm in. There's a deep connectivity I have to the island. Puerto Rico has so much natural beauty, a rich, multifaceted history and of course, cultura. So, naturally, I feel almost always compelled to capture and celebrate it visually. 

Now, it's your turn. I'm excited to know what truly makes you happy? 
E-mail me HERE and share your answers or just reply to this e-mail.  I'd love to hear from you! 

Viejo San Juan, PR by Lena del Sol Langaigne

Viejo San Juan, PR by Lena del Sol Langaigne


Art & Photography Exhibit at LIC Arts Open 2015

I'm a little late, but "better late than never" as they say! I'm still so happy and pleased to have been afforded the opportunity to be apart of LIC Arts Open 2015 a few weeks ago. LIC Arts Open is a week long festival celebrating the growing community of talented artists in the Long Island City, NY area. My exhibit consisted of both my Photography and Paintings. I met so many wonderful artists and people in general! Installation was a process (as it always is) and I simply can't wait to do it all over again next year :-)

My Exhibit was threefold. One portion examined my beautiful island of Puerto Rico, titled; "Beyond San Juan: Contrasting Puerto Rico, A Visual Representation by Lena del Sol Langaigne." My idea behind this exhibit in particular, was to show images that depict the cultural contrasts of Puerto Rico. If you've ever been to the island, you'll see that it's totally abound with rich history and centuries old preserved architecture like that of El Morro. It's quite beautiful and interesting to see in person!

However, to experience "authentic" Puerto Rico and to really "connect" with the natural beauty the island has to offer, you have to experience gorgeous places like Playa Azul in Luquillo, the rolling green mountains of Caguas and El Yunque rainforest with it's endless array of flora, fauna and beauty. Check out my Puerto Rico portfolio or more images of the island. 

Also included was my California and New York City photography and of course, my charcoal and acrylic pieces. Overall, the event was such a success. I'm really proud of ALL of the artists who participated in LIC Arts Open, the talent was just phenomenal! 

Follow me on Instagram @_lenadelsol_  for updates & more!