Through paintings, installations, prints, and sculptures, Artist Samuel Lind explores his spiritual voyage and healing practices from the African Diaspora, not only of his native Loíza but also stimulated by his imagination. The inclusion of household objects, amulets, and totems bring together the artist’s home and the presence of his hometown of Loíza.
Read Morecaribbean art
Comité Noviembre: Puerto Rican Artisan Expo →
This was such an awesome event I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in. Three floors of all sorts of unique, handmade and impressive works of art. Many of the items I saw reminded me of those that are seen at the many marquetas, galleries, shops and plazas throughout Puerto Rico.
Our table.
Artist, Migdalia Galarza
I must say that many of the artists I had the pleasure of meeting had such an authentic passion and pride for their work, which makes all the difference when choosing to shop small, locally and when supporting fellow artists.
Artist, Vivan Lipman-Denis
Artist, Migdalia Galarza
Artist and Photographer, Lena del Sol Langaigne
Artist, Sara Morales
I wasn't able to photograph everyone, nor make it up to the Book Expo. To learn more about Comité Noviembre visit their website at or to see more pics from this awesome event, visit & LIKE the Lena del Sol Art & Wall Decor Facebook page here.
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Estudio de Arte Samuel Lind, Loiza, PR
I’ve always found it to be so interesting – the way a person could impact your life in such a lasting and meaningful way and they may NEVER even know it! Alter you in such a way that as a result, every inch of your imagination, creativity and endless possibilities that have always lived in your minds’ eye have now been activated and released – and because time moves forward and not backward, nothing will ever be the same for you again, that’s how this visit to Artist, Samuel Lind and our conversations impacted me.
I’ve been drawn to Samuel Lind’s work for quite awhile now. His work is quintessentially Puerto Rico; history, culture, African ancestral pride, an appreciation and admiration for nature and spirituality. He has an obvious and deep connectivity to his lovely Loíza, its history and customs. He’s soft spoken, welcoming and if you’ve ever seen the many pictures and articles written about him in various publications; most of us who’ve been fortunate enough to meet with him, will readily describe him this way.
His studio and home are one in of the same. He resides in the same area of Loíza he was born in. His home embodies EVERYTHING I’ve etched out in my mind for my home and studio. Outside is in and inside is out in his home. The natural light, artwork of various mediums and the use of flowers, plants and all hues of green only add to its tranquility and beauty. It may not be contemporarily beautiful, but he is an artist after all. No artists’ studio is meant to be too organized, prim and proper – this would make me a little anxious.
I haven’t written about this experience until now. I don’t like to use too many words to describe how I feel; I’m much better at expressing myself visually. But this visit & my conversations with him about my art, career and inspirations served as a sort of FUEL for me to continue to forge ahead with everything I’m working (and occasionally fighting) for in this life….. and I’m grateful. Full album can be seen HERE by visiting the Lena del Sol Art & Wall Decor Facebook page.
Artists Samuel Lind and Lena del Sol Langaigne